Saturday was a transition day. We woke up early and had to prepare to move to our new hotel. We began the day performing in the Yilan Park. It is across from train station. The park is part of Jimmy Square, a site dedicated to Jimmy Liao, a world-renown children's illustrator from Yilan. In the square, different sculptures have been erected in the syle of Liao's iluustration. We performed under a giant flying train. Once again, the audience was warm, responsive and totally loved our music.
We moved to the Yilan Traditional Art Museum, a complex of shops and artisans. Additionally, there was a traditional puppet show performed in the square, boat rides down the river, steam from the hot springs, sculptures, and WAY more things to explore than we had time for. It also was raining which focused activities indoors.
We ended the night with probably my favorite excursion, THE NIGHT MARKET. I had been reading and researching night markets ever since we were definitively going too Taiwan. Night Markets are located all around Taiwan, and are a mainstay of the culture. They consist of rows and rows of street food and other vendors. This is where you get a taste of Taiwan--for for a very reasonable price I might add!