Richard Montgomery High School
Instrumental Music Department

Dr. Peter Perry - Director
250 Richard Montgomery Drive
Rockville, MD 20852
(240) 740 - 6145 - Instrumental Music Office

Symphonic Band

Concert Band

Jazz Ensemble

Concert Orchestra

Chamber Orchestra
The Richard Montgomery High School Instrumental Music Department consists of the following instrumental ensembles and classes:
Symphonic Band: This class is designed for the more experienced player in grades 10, 11 and 12. Ninth grade students must have the Director's permission to enroll. Entrance into this class is by audition or approval of the Director. The Symphonic Band performs for concerts and band festivals throughout the year. In the spring, this group performs annually for the Richard Montgomery graduation exercises. BY AUDITION ONLY!
Concert Band: This class eases the transition of 9th grade students into the other high school musical ensembles. Students with less experience, with no ensemble experience, or having schedule conflicts are enrolled in this class. The Concert Band performs for concerts and possibly festivals throughout the year. In the fall semester, this ensemble comprises the marching band (see details below).
Jazz Ensemble: This is a smaller class specifically devoted to playing jazz styles of music. Entrance into this class is by audition or approval of the Director, and will strictly adhere to standard big band instrumentation (5 saxophones, 4 trombones, 5 trumpets, and 2 players on each rhythm part). The Director may ask students from other performing groups to also play in the Jazz Ensemble to assure good instrumentation. The Jazz Ensemble performs for concerts and festivals throughout the year. BY AUDITION ONLY!
Concert Orchestra: This is a string orchestra class that accommodates all ability levels. Students play violin, viola, cello, and string bass. The Orchestra performs for concerts and festivals throughout the year.
Symphonic Orchestra (The Richard Montgomery Chamber Orchestra): This is an advanced auditioned ensemble consisting of strings, winds, brass, and percussion. This ensemble performs major orchestral works throughout the year and consists of some of the finest instrumental performers at Richard Montgomery High School. Auditions for this ensemble are open to all students beginning in December of the previous school year. BY AUDITION ONLY!!
Music Technology: Students explore the history of music technology as well as acoustic, electronic, and musical fundamentals. They learn the techniques of electronic sound production and manipulation, and apply them to creating and printing their own compositions. Specialized electronic equipment and computer music software will be used to synthesize, modify, and record sounds. Students will analyze and evaluate examples of electronic music, as well as works featuring the use of electronic music in the combination of other arts. Recording techniques will be introduced and utilized in various settings. Students will gain an understanding of sound mixing and digital editing capabilities and techniques. Career options in electronic music will be discussed.