Richard Montgomery High School
Instrumental Music Department

Dr. Peter Perry - Director
250 Richard Montgomery Drive
Rockville, MD 20852
(240) 740 - 6145 - Instrumental Music Office
Richard Montgomery High School Website - The website for our school.
RMHS Instrumental Music Handbook - Click HERE for all information about Instrumental Music Department Procedures and Policies. Here is the Handbook Supplement. Click HERE for an interactive version.
Instrumental Music Calendar - UPDATED 2019 -2020 Calendar - in PDF format
SMARTMUSIC - This year we will be using SMARTMUSIC with out ensemble classes. SMARTMUSIC is a practice system that will allow students to practice ensemble music, solo literature, jazz improvisation exercises, and sight-reading; performing these with high qualty accompaniment, receive real-time feedback, coordinate the practice with the direcor, an more. Please see their website for more information.
Spotify - Millions of audio files to listen to for FREE!! Great for finding and listening to the music we peform in class. Click HERE.
Tuner Ninja Online Tuner - This is a FREE Online Tuner! No more excuses!!
Online Metronome - This is a FREE Online Metronome! No more excuses!!
Noteflight - Free Online Notation Program to write, print, and play music.
Music Site to explore/practice music theory. Great exercises !!!
Solo & Ensemble Music Lists - The approved lists from the Maryland Music Educators Association (MANDATORY FOR SOLO & ENSEMBLE FESTIVAL)
RMHS Choral Department Website -The OFFICIAL website of the Richard Montgomery High School Choral Department.