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Richard Montgomery High School
Instrumental Music Department

Dr. Peter Perry - Director
250 Richard Montgomery Drive
Rockville, MD 20852
(240) 740 - 6145 - Instrumental Music Office
2019 RMHS Jazz Ensemble performs on Great Day Washington televised on WUSA 9 (May 3, 2019) supporting the Blues Alley Big Band Jam.
Members of the 2019 RMHS Instrumental Program participating in the Universal Studios STARS "The Art of Foley" workshop. Our students performed the film score, created the sound effects, and did the voice acting!!!!
"Little" Fugue in G minor - J.S. Bach Arr. Peter Perry
2013 RMHS Chamber Orchestra
Symphony No 94 Haydn "Surprise" - Movement 2
2014-2015 RMHS Chamber Orchestra
More Media from More Ensembles to come!!!
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